Agentur für Ballett/Tanz und Bühne

Giovanni Di Palma - Ballettmeister und Choreograph

Giovanni Di Palma was born near Naples and trained at the National Academy of Dance in Rome. After his first engagement at the Ballet of the Opera of Rome, he danced for Ballet Nice, for Ballet Dresden and the Leipzig Ballet. Uwe Scholz appointed him principal dancer in Leipzig and created many important roles for him. Since 2009 Di Palma has decided to focus on his work as a paedagogue, ballet master and choreographer. Since then he has been invited as a guest teacher by international companies.
Since 2010 until present he has been staging the choreographies of Marco Goecke and Uwe Scholz all over the world such as at Istanbul State Ballet, Croatian National Ballet, Sao Paulo Companhia de Dança, Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, National Conservatory in Den Haag, Ballet Poznan, Ballet Brno, Tokyo City Ballet, Canadian National Ballet, Ballet du Rhin, Ballet Mannheim, Ballet oft he Deutsche Oper am Rhein and Ballet Nice, Ballet of the Opera in Rome, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo.
Since the season 2013 he has been working as resident ballet master with Sao Paulo Companhia de Dança and besides that created his first full evening ballet especially for this company: a new choreographic version of “Romeo and Juliet”. In 2016 he created „Paquita“ for Tokyo City Ballet and in 2017 his tasteful neoclassic version of „Pulcinella“ was world premiered with Sao Paulo Companhia de Dança and has meanwhile been restaged at Ballet Rijeka in Croatia.
He is also a regual guest ballet master at Les Ballets de Monte Carlo. © 2007 - 2024

Künstlermanagement Nadja Kadel

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